—Strong legacy of training experience spanning over 15 years of offering training programs to largest corporate, Government bodies in India and across world, retail audience, academics, research bodies to name a few. We have earned a lot of trust from the industry and rest of our clients who are ready to go with us in this new focus area.

—Profile of experienced people who have come together to contribute back to the industry the knowledge they have gained. All of them put together we have close to 80 man years of experience not just in training but in related fields like content development, HR, marketing, among others. Each of them have worked with large corporate like Oracle, SAP, Samsung, NetApp, HP to name a few.

—Our approach to training : we use presentation on as a reference point. Our main emphasis is on personal interaction which we think is the key to any behavioral or business skill training. We have a lot of role plays, games woven into our courses that enable interaction and keep the audience engaged. We even have guest speakers coming in based on needs

—Emphasis on assessment and review of the learning acquired. We have a constant check of learning after every concept. End of the course we prepare a comprehensive report on where the candidate stands and share it with the stakeholders. Following which if need be we also offer mentoring and coaching services as a second level engagement.